Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 4: The Plan

Okay, so I've been doing some research, and... drum roll please... we have a plan. I have decided to use Ken Palmer's Harmony of the Gospels chronology for the purposes of this blog. Starting tomorrow, I'll address one "event" from the last year of Jesus' life each day using Palmer's very detailed (and handy) chronology chart. I plan to start with the feeding of the 5000. The reasons for this are long, murky, and likely boring, but the bottom line is that I think there's a good likelihood that his final year would have begun somewhere around this time. Plus, could there be a better story with which to begin? A hungry crowd, a food shortage, and a compassionate God = excellent blogging potential!

For tonight, I want to post one of my favorite songs of all time, by (no lie) one of my favorite groups of all time... the Von Trapp Children. Yes, friends, the real-life Sound of Music family has grandchildren, and they can sing the pants off you. I got such great comments and emails about the Mary post yesterday, and maybe that's why this song has been on my mind all day.


1 comment:

  1. Bobbie Holden BarberJune 17, 2011 at 10:28 PM

    Okay, I am loving this. And right now I am going thru some difficult things with my health and all. This is going to be so good! Thank you so much Lori for doing this bog.
